I think that these three projects best represent my theme, evolution, in all respects. I started out making simple projects, such as the tall bowl. I glazed this bowl by simply dipping it into two different glazes.  Then I started to add more detail. I added a twisted handle and a lip to a bowl to make it into a pitcher. I used a charcoal blue glaze that brought out the detail on the handle and small holes. I believe my third project, a wide, simple vase shows the most improvement. This is the best centered project I have, the black  glaze looks good overall, and even the foot ring, is my best work.

What. How. Why.

Everyone learns at a different pace, but in the end, ends up learning the same things. Having already taken ceramics for a semester back in my sophomore year, I am now in adv ceramics as a senior. I would not say that the projects that I have made this year are ‘top notch’, but they are definitely improving. I have taken the few techniques I can remember from two years ago, and the new ones I have learned this year from many different sources to create, more, if not better ceramic projects. With all of this in mind I would say my projects this year would reflect the word, evolution.

From day one as an advanced student, we started off on the wheel. Apart from making handles, and other additions for projects, everything this year has been made on the wheel. I have re-learned how to make tall cylinders, and bowls. The new projects this year include wheel alters, tea pots, lids, and plates. All of these designs are important one way or another. You need to know the basics, such as how to center, and pull up walls on your art before you can create, more advanced projects.

Before I could even think about making more complex things on the wheel, I had to re-master some of the basics. The first step to making a project on the wheel is centering. Centering is not supposed to take long, but if you do not do it right then it can. You have to first make sure that you are a-lined with the wheel, and your hands are on your knees. One of the biggest things about centering is that you have to be sure that your hands are always connected. After you have centered clay you have to make a slight hole, and then pull out. After you pull out you have to make sure you compress the clay. The next technique is pulling the walls up. Again your hands have to move together, and you have to be a-lined with the wall of the clay. Find a speed that you are comfortable with and slowly move your fingers up together pulling up the wall.

My theme is not something I decided from the beginning of the semester. It is something I’ve noticed a lot of my projects have throughout the semester. And that theme is evolution, and progress. It took me a long time to get the hang of making things on the wheel. The steps needed to make basic things took me longer than most. But that does not mean that I did not progress. Practice really does make perfect. That perfect thing is not always the best. It is just better than what came before. 
                Knowledge can be obtain in many different ways, and grasped after different lengths of time. It took me until my senior year, to finally ‘get’ how to pull up walls. I had to practice a little longer to understand. But in the end I learned something and took what I learned and applied it towards my work.

    The theme I have choosen for this semester in advanced ceramics is Evolution. Evolution is just another fancy word for change and progress. This progress is something that everyone wants to acheive throughout the semster. My set of projects include a cup,  a plate, some bowls, a vase and even a teapot. 

    I've used many different techniques that I have learned over the years, and ones that I remembered from two years ago. I finally got the hang of pulling walls up. The way I glaze my projects have also improved. Instead of just dipping the project in the glaze to improve the project, i've started to paint the glaze on. 

    I believe that 'Evolution' fits my projects best because they have improved over time. I've started to think more about how I want them to look.

For my Theme I have come up with "Evolution". The definition of evolution is "A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form." I have noticed that over time my projects have improve from the previous ones.